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What is mechanical and electrical equipment

Release time:2018-05-09Clicks:111

Equipment is usually the general name of material materials such as machinery, equipment and facilities that people need in production and life. Mechanical and electronic equipment is the equipment of mechanical and electronic technology, and the most important part of mechanical and electrical equipment is mechanical equipment.
Mechanical and electrical equipment classification. There are many kinds of mechanical and electrical equipment, and there are various classification methods. There is a detailed classification of mechanical and electrical equipment in the national economic industry classification and code (GB/T4754--2002). This classification method is often used in the management of industry equipment assets and cataloging of mechanical and electrical catalogue data handbooks. In addition, mechanical and electrical equipment can be divided into three categories by use, namely, industrial mechanical and electrical equipment, information mechanical and electrical equipment and people's livelihood mechanical and electrical equipment.
The industrial mechanical and electrical equipment refers to the equipment used in the production enterprises, such as all kinds of mechanical processing equipment, automatic production lines, industrial robots, and mechanical equipment used in other industries, such as textile machinery, mining machinery, etc., all of which belong to industrial machinery and electrical equipment.
Information mechanical and electrical equipment refers to the electronic and mechanical products used for information collection, transmission and storage processing. For example, computers, printers, photocopiers, fax machines, communications equipment and other office automation equipment are information-based mechanical and electrical equipment.
People's livelihood electromechanical equipment refers to the use of people's livelihood in the field of electronic and mechanical products. For example, all kinds of household appliances, household processing machinery, automotive electronic products, fitness machinery and so on belong to people's livelihood electromechanical equipment.

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